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Welcome to ClobNet!
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Welcome to ClobNet's rules page!
- General Rules: These apply across all platforms, including Discord, Minecraft, and any other community spaces.
- Discord Rules: Specific guidelines for behaviour and interaction on our Discord server.
- Minecraft Rules: Guidelines for conduct within our Minecraft server.
- Treat others with respect and kindness.
- Avoid spam, harassment, and offensive content.
- Follow instructions from moderators and admins.
- Consequences for rule violations may vary depending on the severity of the offense.
Please take the time to review each set of rules and always abide by them. Let's create a supportive and enjoyable community together!

Useful links:
Minecraft Server Rules

General Rules:

1. No spamming, including excessive chat messages, character spam, or inappropriate content.

2. No use of Cheats or Exploits.

3. Respect all players and avoid harassment, bullying, or abuse.

4. No racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ+ speech, or other offensive content.

5. Avoid discussing political or religious topics in the chat.

6. No trading in game items for real world items.

7. Do not scam or attempt to scam fellow players.

8. No advertising

9. Follow instructions from moderators and admins.


Consequences of Rule Breakage:

- Warnings may be issued for minor infractions.

- Continued breaches may result in temporary bans.

- Severe offenses may lead to permanent bans.


Let's work together to make our Minecraft community a fun and welcoming place for all players!


Discord Sever Rules


General Rules:

1. No spamming, including excessive noise in voice channels, @mention spam, character spam, image spam, and message spam.

2. No sharing inappropriate content, such as gory, sexual, or scary material, screamer links, porn, nudity, or death-related content.

3. No harassment, including sexual harassment or encouragement of any form of harassment.

4. Be kind to one another. No put downs, bullying, harassment, or abuse. We welcome and support everyone.

5. No racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ+ speech, or other offensive content. We have zero tolerance for hate speech.

6. Avoid discussing political or religious topics, as they often lead to controversy and offense.


Voice Rules:

1. Avoid annoying, loud, or high-pitched noises in voice channels. Reduce background noise if possible.

2. Moderators may disconnect members with poor sound quality.

3. Moderators may take actions like disconnecting, muting, deafening, or moving members in voice channels.


Consequences of Rule Breakage:

- Warnings may be issued, followed by mutes if warnings are ignored.

- Mute durations increase with repeated offenses.

- Severe breaches may result in permanent bans.

- Moderators and admins have final authority on enforcement.


Remember to always respect your fellow members and contribute positively to our community!